When we make art, do we understand God as a creator better?
In conjunction with CREA's Be/Hold Festival, artists Shannon Kim and Hillary Eden spend a weekend in California ruminating on the weighted word “Behold” through artmaking, discussion, and the act of observing created objects. They ponder what it is to experience what cannot be seen with the human eye, yet can be felt deeply in the spirit, and ask “How can one behold an invisible God with a tangible object?”
Take a listen (above) or Enjoy our Visual Musing (below)
Shannon Kim
Shannon Kim is an abstract painter based in California. Her practice involves line and layered movement, documenting memory, place, and feelings. A blend of traditional materials like charcoal and ink lend itself as tools to give body to that in life that is beyond the tangible.
Hillary Eden
Crea Arts is a community of creatives exploring how art and the Christian faith can intersect to make a difference in our city and the world.
We believe that art plays a part in the pursuit of truth.
Here we hope to journey alongside individuals who are both seekers of truth and practitioners of art.
A native Kansan, Hillary Eden holds a BFA in Ceramics from Kansas State University. She currently works out of Lancaster Ohio as an Education Coordinator at a pottery shop, alongside her studio practice. Winding lines and fluid spaces found on her vessels, invite viewers to hold and explore handmade goods.
@hillar.eden @goodthings_andco